Privacy Policy
Here's the lowdown on what information our trusty Chrome extension might be privy to: Browser Data: We're talkin' 'bout basic browser stuff like URLs and tabs you're visitin'. It helps our extension do its job better than a lasso in a rodeo. User Settings: We may catch a glimpse of your extension settings, but we promise we won't go pokin' around in your personal business. Interaction Data: When you tango with our extension, we might collect some interaction data. Don't worry, though; we ain't spyin' on your every move. How We Use Your Info Now, why in tarnation do we need this information, you ask? Here's the scoop: Extension Functionality: We use your data to make sure our extension works like a charm, helpin' you ride the internet range more smoothly. Improvements: Sometimes, we need to round up the cattle and make our extension better. Your data might help us spot trouble and fix it faster than a jackrabbit on a hot tin roof....